Accesing our Borrowings Facility
This product is targeted at members of the general public.
The minimum investment period for this products is 30 days (1 month), while the maximum investment period is negotiable.
For this facility, our rate is between 5% to 7%.
Visit our office, send us a mail or call any of our phone numbers to get started with this product.
5, B.O.W Maferi Close, Off O.P. Fingesi Street, Utako, Abuja.
+2348130030836, +09-2905756
At Dignity Finance we offer very attractive treasury management products such as fixed deposit accounts with very attractive and negotiable rates structured specifically to meet your specialized needs. With our fixed deposit facility, it becomes easy for you to save your money for the future on a long term basis.
We accept borrowings from members of the public, corporate bodies, and other financial institutions to fund our business at a better and higher interest rate than the competition.